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How COVID has impacted hiring and retention

Who would have thought, looking 18 months ago, that we would be where we are today. There has likely never been a hotter time to be in the technology industry in particular with employees having a smorgasbord of choice. As the world comes to terms with everyday life...

AWS Lambda, building a python artifact on MacOS

My journey into the world of AWS Lambda was a bumpy one where I was initially “forced” to try and use node.js to get some simple functionality working. “Forced” being that I stuck with the status quo, and just followed a similar pattern someone else had done to get...

My Dark Secret About Diversity … Ignorance

Diversity and inclusive culture is something I have been passionate about for ages. I admit that for a while there I was one of those privileged white males that had moved through the system unaware and ignorant that anything was out of place. Some time ago, a former...